Sunday, January 9, 2011

what should i do?

what will u d o when u need to do the thing that u hate the most??

hmmmm....i hate this so much...but i need to do it....
actually..its about my tesis..
when i decide to agree with this thesis because the procedure just take about 5 minutes. very easy..yg tu ak tgk yg senior thn lpas pnye....just push a button n take reading...very2 easy...

my tajuk is about aberration....lpas stadi2 i know the accommodation n pupil size will effect the aberration value... tp ak ignore je..sbb senior thn lpas pun ignore je factor tu..n supervisor ak pun ok je..n then dtg la sorg lec dr spain...kebetulannye mase phd lu dia wat thesis pasal aberration. n then she said that u need to exclude all the factor that boleh pengaruhi aberration.

so...u need to use CYCLOGYL!
oh no! i dont like cyclogyl... i tried to ask her to use the mydriacyl but she's not agreed with me..because the mydriacyl cannot fully exclude the accommodation.
n nak tak nak..i need to use cyclogyl..huk3...

cyclogyl side effect ni akan mnyebabkan pt tu x nmpk dekat for 6-24 hours sbb dia dah paralyze kan ciliary body, lens cannot accommodate n pt akan susah utk tgk dkt..jd mcm mate org tua, x nmpk dekat (presbyopia)...n utk midriasis effect tu plak myb up to several org akan rase silau klu keluar..kesian kan....

slalu nye cyclogyl mmg slalu diguna kat klnik..slalunye digunakan utk pt yg accommodation active n utk knk2...yg tu x pe la...sbb mmg utk kbaikan mereka gak..sbb nak cr power yg tpat, so kne cyclogyl mate dorang...

tp yg ni...ak terpaksa cyclogyl diorang utk kpntingan ak sdiri..ble dah d cyclogyl, it will affect their life for several days....sbb tu ak x ska sgt2...smpai skrg ak x stat ag tesis ag...i dont know what should i do.....

o Allah...give me strengh..gve me way...

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